Easter Sunday for me and Mr. T was purely for fun, we aren't religious. I did take part in the old pagan traditions and hid eggs and made him a basket! We made huevos rancheros from scratch for breakfast and had tequila soaked fruit salad. Yum. It was a great lazy Sunday!
After breakfast we watched the movie Chocolat, which T had never seen but I have seen tons of times. I knew he would like it and he did. The movie came out in the year 2000 so it is not new but since it takes place in the 1959 french countryside it is pretty timeless. While watching it this time I was pretty struck by the costumes. The colors of what Vianne wears are so bright and luscious. This contrasts the boring costumes of the rest of the townspeople...which makes sense if you have seen the movie. I just loved the costumes, fabulous red shoes, great full skirts and pretty sweaters. I wish I could walk around dressed like that all the time!