

 Today I almost had nothing to write about and then I went on Facebook. I clicked this little thing that will tell you the most used words in your statuses. Below are the results.
My most used words
Day:Used 42 times
Love:Used 30 times
Chris:Used 30 times
Today:Used 28 times
Going:Used 25 times
Why:Used 21 times
Too:Used 15 times
Still:Used 15 times
Tonight:Used 14 times
Wants:Used 14 times
Life:Used 14 times
Night:Used 13 times
I could not be any more happier with the words that showed up on my list. My boyfriend's name is there, love is there, and why is there (I believe one should question everything in life, apparently I do) I just think this is the best list of words ever! Also, I didn't have much to eat today and I came home and fixed myself a little juice and vodka. It got me in such a good mood so quick! Instantly happy. Drinking is not the answer for things, but I worked 12 hours today and have the next three days off so it was definitely the right thing for the evening. One last thing. An old friend from college is getting married in Mexico and her Facebook status said she is packing up and inventory'ing boxes of wedding stuff. I am so happy for her and that sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to plan a wedding....and it doesn't even have to be mine! :-) Maybe that is what I am destined to do. It's like toilet paper...almost recession proof. People will always be getting married. One last thing... I love anything with salt, butter, garlic, or shrimp. Anyway....thanks for reading this drivel based stream of consciousness.